Friday, September 10, 2010

Valley of Death / Gloria Shurzynski & Alane Ferguson

Valley of Death is a page turner for teens. Olivia Landon gets more than the working vacation she bargins for when her daughter is mistaken for the Landon’s new foster child Leesa and is kidknapped. Olivia (a wildlife veteraniarian) has come to Death Valley National Park to find out why the park’s mountain goats are mysteriously dying when her family becomes embroiled in a dramatic hostage taking and standoff complete with helicopters, SWAT teams and automatic weapons. The story is told from the perspective of Jack Landon the 13 year old son of the Landons who has a hard time resisting becoming directly involved is the mission to rescue Ashley his 11 year old sister.

Authours Schurzynski and Ferguson provide a nice mix of the history and biology of Death Valley Naitonal Park in this mystery/thriller while also building a picture of a normal family that generously provides support for foster children in need. Leesa, however, is a mystery to Jack and Ashley, because their parents have not given them much information about her and she is not talking. The story is about a family that sometimes lives on the road which leads to an interesting lifestyle for their children who seem thrive on it and lead a relativelly normal life.

Shurzynski, Gloria & Ferguson, Alane (2008). Valley of death: a mystery in Death Valley National Park. Washington, D.C.: National Geographic Society.

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