Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Skellig / David Almond

Skellig is another tale by David Almond that combines the real-life drama of a ten year old boy’s life with a mysterious creature that lives in his garage. Michael has just moved into a new house with his mother and father and his ailing infant sister. Michael sneaks into the garage that should be condemned only to find an old “man” or “creature” living behind some furniture surviving on bugs and mice and crippled to the point that he cannot move. Michael helps the cranky creature and with the help of his new friend Mina moves Skellig from the dangerous structure only to discover that the he is transforming from a crippled wisp of man into something very different.

Skellig looks at various questions that a ten year old boy might have like; how can he help his family through a painful event like having a sick baby, are there such things as angels and how would we know if we saw one. Michael also has to navigate the sea of friendships to see if he can trust new friends and if he should ignore old friends. Michael also has to sail through the waves of adults that continue to draw his attention away from his curiosity about Skellig and his love for his sister.

Almond, David (1998). Skellig. New York: Yearling Book.

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