Sunday, May 11, 2008

Inexcusable / Chris Lynch

Inexcusable is the story of Keir a high school boy who is having trouble figuring some things out. First of all he feels he is in love with his long time friend Gigi, but Gigi has a boyfriend. Keir also figures some things other people do are inexcusable. His sisters for example acting in a reprehensible fashion when they refuse to come to his graduation and Gigi’s boyfriend is a heel because he refuses to come to her graduation.

This is a character driven story told completely from Keir’s point of view with his thoughts of events dominating every chapter of the book. Keir sees his relationship with his father, the high school football game where he accidentally kills another player, and the antics of his football team off the field through a distorted personal lens.

Inexcusable portrays the thoughts of a boy in trouble, who thinks various people around him who challenge him act in an inexcusable manner and he fails to evaluate his own actions with the same scrutiny even when he does something inexcusable to the girl he loves.

This is a powerful story that examines how a teenaged boy can have a distorted view of his own actions to the point that he doesn’t take responsibility for some very inexcusable actions on his own behalf.

Lynch, C. (2007). Inexcusable. New York: Simon & Schuster Children's Publishing.

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