Thursday, March 20, 2008

The dot / Peter H. Reynolds (Video)

The dot is a video base on the book of the same name. The story is of Vashti a young girl who is sad, because she feels she cannot make good drawings like other kids in her class. When her teacher encourages her she angrily makes a dot on her piece of paper with her pencil. Her teacher then does something that surprises Vashti and the girl starts making all kinds of dots until she hold an entire art show of dots.

This simple story is a surprisingly effective encouragement for those who feel they couldn't possibly do art. While I watched this video I found myself wondering about what encouraged me in an artistic sense and if I considered my "art" "real art." It also made me think some about those teachers who had encouraged me as I went through public school. Teachers can truly be influential people in the lives of our children and they deserve all the praise and support that we can give them.

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