Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Saving the world and other extreme sports / James Patterson

Saving the world is a science fiction novel about a group of genetically altered youth who have wings and various characteristics of birds as well as “other” interesting abilities. Max, the leader of the group guides the flock though the adventure of defeating a group a mad scientists who created her and her friends. The scientists have a plan to extinguish half of the population on the earth by eliminated anyone who is sick, disabled, or somehow defective. Most of the time Max and her followers have to overcome insurmountable odds and they are always on the edge of being killed themselves.

The chapters of Saving the world are very short, averaging less than three pages and it reads easy and moves along quickly. Occasionally, Max speaks directly to the reader which may prove confusing or enticing to some readers. Max is extremely sarcastic when dealing with the enemy (adults) and she often gets the better of the bad guy in any verbal joust. The story is very much like a super-hero story and the fact that the heroes are teens and children, make this story one which young adults probably will like very much.

Patterson, J. (2008). Saving the world and other extreme sports. New York: Grand Central Publishing.